Product Description
Botanical Name: Achras zapota
Synonyms: Manikara zapota
Common Name: Sapodilla
Description: Sapodilla can grow to more than 30 m tall with an average trunk diameter of 1.5 m. The average height of cultivated specimens, however, is usually between 9 and 15 m with a trunk diameter not exceeding 50 cm. It is wind-resistant and the bark is rich in a white, gummy latex called chicle. The ornamental leaves are medium green and glossy. They are alternate, elliptic to ovate, 715 cm long, with an entire margin. The white flowers are inconspicuous and bell-like, with a six-lobed corolla. An unripe fruit has a firm outer skin and when picked, releases white chicle from its stem. A fully ripened fruit has saggy skin and does not release chicle when picked.