Botanical Name: Punica granatum
Synonyms: Punica malus, Punica nana L., Punica florida, Punica grandiflora, Punica nana. Punica spinosa
Common Name: Pomegranate
Seeds collection period: June- July
Seed longevity: 1 year
Punica granatum is a small multi-stemmed shrub/tree 5-10 m tall. Canopy open, crown base low. Stem woody and spiny, bark smooth and dark grey. Leaves simple, 2-8 cm long, oblong or obovate, glabrous, oppositely placed, short-petioled surface shining. Flowers regular, solitary or in fascicles at apices, 4-6 cm. Petals lanceolate, 5-7, wrinkled and brilliant orange-red. Hypanthium coloured, 5-8 lobed. Anthers numerous. Calyx persistent. Fruit a round berry, 5-12 cm, pericarp leathery. Interior compartmentalized with many pink-red sections of pulp-like tissue, each contains a seed grain. Fruits globose with persistent callipe and a coriaceous woody rind. Seeds numerous, angular with fleshy testa, 1.3 cm long.Use:
Medicine: The bark of the pomegranate tree may be used as a very strong purgative, but it has several serious side-effects. The fresh root bark is used in an anthelmintic preparation, the alkaloid punicine is responsible for this activity. Unripe fruit and flowers are significant emetics. Ripe fruits are laxative and blood enriching also useful in managing sore throat, spre eyes, brain diseases and chest troubles